Reservoir Dogs Textual Analysis
The next piece of work that I am going to complete, is a textual analysis of the crime thriller film, reservoir dogs which will include screenshots.
I am going to watch the opening of the film a number of times so I get familiar with the openings so that i can analyse what happens in each shot, including camera shots, angle, movement and framing also characters, music and setting.
I am going to watch the opening of the film a number of times so I get familiar with the openings so that i can analyse what happens in each shot, including camera shots, angle, movement and framing also characters, music and setting.
I am then going to screenshot all the shots i want to include and write notes about each one, these will be beside the screenshot, this is so it will be easier to understand what i am talking about.
This will help me understand how to plan the first two minutes of a film and construct it.
In the first two minutes of the film we are introduced clearly to each of the characters.
In order to analyse the opening of Reservoir dogs I will focus to the 8 main areas of discussion:
Blank screen with "A film by 'Quentin Tarantino'
Background speaker.
music playing in background under the speaker, sets the feeling for opening of film.
music playing in background under the speaker, sets the feeling for opening of film.
A shot of the back street alley
Two men in suits walking on to the scene
slow motion shots to make them look like the serious men
In the city
Two men in suits walking on to the scene
slow motion shots to make them look like the serious men
In the city
Characters are introduced throughout the opening scene
Group of men in suits
Slowly walking
Music still playing in the background but nobody speaking
Group of men in suits
Slowly walking
Music still playing in the background but nobody speaking
Mid shot
introducing the characters
Name of character
introducing the characters
Name of character
There are eight males altogether however only six are wearing suits - this could indicate their more superior status within the film compared to the other two in everyday casual wear. This signifies that perhaps the six men in suits are part of the main gang and the other two males are 'helpers' within the piece. Their role in the film may be just as important, however within the plot line they may be seen as less important.
Shot of all the characters in the group
What I have learnt?
In this piece of work I have learnt what's included in a crime thriller film which is the genre of my film, this is the first film i related my ideas to, I am planning to take some ideas from this film for my opening two minutes of a thriller.
I have learnt from this film many filming ideas for exapmle including close ups introducing the characters with a text including there names also a shot of the whole gang which is used at the end of the first two minutes and slow motion is used to show they are coming across to people they are more important.
I may use some of the techniques and filming i've seen in this film as part of my film.
I have learnt from this film many filming ideas for exapmle including close ups introducing the characters with a text including there names also a shot of the whole gang which is used at the end of the first two minutes and slow motion is used to show they are coming across to people they are more important.
I may use some of the techniques and filming i've seen in this film as part of my film.
synopsis of my film
Untitled from KayleighGill on Vimeo.
is a teenager, he is a well behaved boy and doesn’t like breaking rules, he
enjoys doing work and loves school. He is getting bullied by this group of
older people because he is a bit nerdy and uncool.
He is
constantly being harassed by this group of people until one day he decides
enough is enough. He has just finished his work in the English classroom and is
on his way home. He hasn’t even left the school gates before the gang of people
approach him and start pushing him around and intimidating him.
conversation is exchanged between Beth and Jacob and we as the audience can see
that Jacob has had enough and that he is finally standing up to the bullies.
Beth takes it a step too far with Jacob and Jacob pulls out a gun, another
member of the gang Adam steps in and pushes Jacob.
reacts by pushing Adam to the ground and aims the gun at Adam’s face. The other
two members of the gang run off and leave Adam on the floor as Jacob threatens
to shoot him.
What i have learnt?
I have learnt from doing this synopsis that you need to know what happened in the whole film to see what you need to include in your first two minutes of a film.
I found this very useful because it helped me notice what we needed to include in the first two minutes of the film i'm doing.
This is a step by step guide on what my whole film would be about if i made a whole film.
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