Friday 1 November 2013

Target Audience

Target Audience 

We think our video would appeal to a young adults and teenager type audience (late teens to mid twenties). This is mainly down to the fact its a thriller and the content involved in the video.


Kimberley is a 15year old girl.
I think Kimberley would be a good target audience for my film because she is interested in films which include some tension, thrills and fighting.
Kimberley's interest are hanging around in groups with her friends, chilling watching films also messing around.
I think many people like Kimberley would enjoy my film, she has thrilling side to her. 
In her spare time she likes to go around with her friends joking around and has a crazy personality.
I've showed Kimberley my film plan and she is very interested in it.

Dominic Evans

Dominic is a 16year old boy.
I think Dominic would be another good target audience for my film because he is a typical teenage boy who says they like scary/thriller films.
Dominic likes to spend Sundays watching films and has watched many films.
I think many teenage boys Dominics age would like thriller films, such as "taken" because its a film filled with tension.
Dominic likes to hang around with his friends in his spare time which are also interested in being lazy watching films also they like to pretend to be like film stars copying their actions.

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