Thursday 19 December 2013

Shooting schedule

This shooting scedule has helped me alot, I have filled it in everytime i've filmed something, I also write in what I've also achieved everytime i have filmed.

Test footage

Behind the scences and our test footage

 I have learnt from doing this practice filming is angles of shooting and how our ideas change during the filming and creation of a film.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Permissions for Filming / Photography and Music


Props / Costume Boards

Props/ costumes boards


These are the headphones worn by Jacob in the start of the film. I think its important that the wearing of these headphones is emphasised because it shows how he keeps himself to himself and likes to switch off and just listen to his music.

 This is Jacob’s phone this is used a few times in the film. We see him receive texts off the bullies on this phone and we see him go on his phone when he is awaiting the bullies because he is nervous


Thisis the gun that Jacob uses to scare off the bullies and the gun that is eventually used to shoot Adam. The gun is a very important object in the film as it is so unexpected for Jacob to posses such a deadly weapon.

This is Jacob’s costume … He still wears fashionable clothes despite being unpopular. He has a good fashion sense wearing a branded hoodie, nice jeans and stylish shoes. He dresses like a typical teenager so this represents his character well.

This is Beth’s costume… she wears fairly baggy clothing and doesn’t really take much pride in her appearance as she knows that no body will criticize her because she is so intimidating. You could say she dresses quite ‘gangster’ so therefore her outfit represents her character nicely.

This is Adams costume… despite being part of this gang Adam does not represent this in the way he dresses. He has quite a smart dress code and takes pride in his appearance.

This is Dom’s costume… Being Beth’s brother you’d expect him to dress quite scruffy but actually he takes a lot of pride in his appearance. He always tries his best to look good which kind of shows that he doesn’t follow the gang stereotype


Monday 16 December 2013

setting board

This is were we film were the main character leaving the school. Just a basic corridor where jacob has been having a study lesson and people are texting him as they dont like him and are aksing for trouble.

This is another shot of the corridor jacob walks along to go to meet the gang.

These stairs could be a hazard for jacob throught the film and we had to be extra careful filming donw these but we managed just fine.
Jacob walks down these stairs listening to music through our film.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Actors/models profiles

Main Character

Name: Jacob Riley

Age: 16

Bio: Jacob is a teenager who loves school and is a typical hard worker and enjoys spending time studying. He keeps himself to himself and is really quiet. He’s never been one for violence and tends to avoid conflict. He is used to being bullied but has never done anything about it. He dresses like a typical teenager wearing hoodies and jeans etc.


Name: Beth

Age: 17

Bio: Beth is not your average girl. She is a tough. She has a clear rough upbringing and doesn’t seem to care if she hurts someone's feelings. She is the main bully and scares people into being friends with her, she's certainly an Alfa character. She wears fairly baggy clothing and dresses kind of scruffy.


Name: Adam

Age: 17

Bio: Adam is the muscle of the gang. He defends Beth and Dom. However he is a bit of a sheep and tends to follow Beth around sucking up to her. He wears quite trendy clothes and keeps in with the fashion.


Name: Dom

Age: 16

Bio: Dom is Beth's little brother and she has pretty much raised him. Like Adam he is a bit of a sheep and follows Beth around. Because he has been brought up with violence he sort of knows no different and will do whatever Beth tells him. He wears nice clothes, chinos, round neck etc.

Tuesday 3 December 2013


Storyboard of my film

My storyboard is going to help me towards my film because i've planned what i am going to be doing for each part of the film and managed to put in all the shots.
I have changed parts of my storyboard because we are no longer filming in the bandstand due to timing of the film and the problems of crossing the main road which is a hazard to our filming and safety, we are sticking to the gang confont Jacob in the school grounds when he leaves his study lesson.

Monday 2 December 2013


Payback Script


Jacob is alone in the classroom. He is writing. He gets a text message. He stands up and leaves the classroom. He walks through the school to leave.


Automatic doors open. Jacob goes to leave the school, starts walking off the school site by music, towards the public path.


Beth, Adam and Dom put their hoods up and start walking along the path to confront Jacob. The gang and Jacob meet at music and confront him.


Think you can stand up to us?




well im not going to sit down, am i?


Beth walks up to Jacob and gets in his face. The other members of the gang gather round to intimidate Jacob.


Don't get cocky. What you gunna' do?


Adam pushed Jacob. Jacob pulls out a gun on Adam. The gang step back from him.


what are you gunna do?

Jacob lashes out and it comes to an end for Adam.
Dom and Beth make eye contact and run away

Institutional research

Institutional Research

Warner Bros entertainment inc

formerly known as Warner bros studios is an american producer of film, television and music entertainment. it's one of the major film studios, it is subsidiary of time Warner.
Warner bros produce films such as "lights of new York" which was the first full talking film and then on to "on with show" which was the first full talking colour film, by 1930 Warner bros were producing 100 motion pictures a year and controlled 360 theaters in united states and 400 abroad. The company started doing gangster films such as the "public enemy" then moved onto musical films, adventure and drama films. Warner bros later success included "The Exorcist" and "The Fugitive" which are good selling films.

Paramount Pictures

Corporation (commonly known as Paramount Pictures or simply Paramount) is a film and television production/distribution studio, consistently ranked as one of the largest (top-grossing) film studios. Paramount is a member of the motion pictures It has distributed various commercially successful film series, such as ShrekTransformersMission: Impossible,

Film production companies

such as 
Warner bros and Paramount pictures generate money from films in several ways. The first is theaters; a production company/studios take is largest in the opening week. This is why they focus on having a blockbuster weekends, the longer they run the film the more money they generate. Other ways include DVD sales, foreign distribution, video and on demand; new formats such as IMAX widescreen presentation, movies in 3D have allowed the industry to charge
5pounds more per ticket. Warner worldwide grossing on "I am Legend" was

The kind of media institution that might distribute my media text...

I think that the people that would distribute my media text would be Warner Bros or Paramount as they have done many Action thriller films and our film is a similar style to theirs so they would be interested in distributing it.

The are many other films companies that could distribute my film but I think paramount pictures will be the best choice as it has other films that follow the same lines as our film. There are films like "Jack Reacher" and "mission impossible" which are the action/thriller films that paramount have done, these films did well in the world wide appeal. 

Real World 

I think my film would be distributed in many cinemas and TV channels such as Vue and Film 4 on television.
My film follows many film lines that have been shown on TV such as Jack reacher it includes getting there own back on other people and a lot of tension considering its thriller. In some ways i think my text could like a real film being presented at the cinemas but its only if we had the proper filmers and actors and a bit more detailed of a film .
Our film is appropriate to be shown as its only a 15 and many films have been done like ours before.

what I have learnt?
I have learnt from doing this institutional research what is used to make real films and how money is generated through films such as leaving them in cinmas and having blockbuster weekends.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Regulation Research

Regulation research 

The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non-governmental body which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912 and videos/ DVDs since the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984.All classification decisions are based on the BBFC’s published and regularly updated Guidelines. BBFC insight will tell you what certificate a film was given and what sort of audience we believe the work is suitable for.

Main Issues 

BBFC insight highlights the key issues in a film then expands on this giving examples of the sorts of things you will see or hear. These may include, for example, violence, bad language, and sex references.
BBFC insight also notes any other issues that might be important for parents, or those wishing to take younger viewers to see a film – for example themes of divorce or bereavement or use of discriminatory language or behavior.

The U symbol stands for Universal. A U film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. However, it is impossible to predict what might upset a particular child, especially at this lower end of the category range.

PG stands for Parental Guidance. This means a film is suitable for general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for younger children. A PG film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. Parents should consider whether the content might upset younger or more sensitive children.

12A means that anyone aged 12 or over can go and see the film unaccompanied. The A stands for 'accompanied' and 'advisory'. Children younger than 12 may see the film if they are accompanied by an adult (eg someone over the age of 18), who must watch the film with them.

No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a ‘15’ rated DVD.  15 rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age.


Films rated 18 are for adults. No-one under 18 is allowed to see an 18 film at the cinema or buy/rent an 18 rated DVD. No 18 rated works are suitable for children.

Discrimination: I will not be including any discrimination in my film.
Drugs: May be shown but I'm not including any drug taking in my film. 

Horror: A small amount of threats will be included in my film two minute opening.

Imitable behavior: Dangerous behavior is included in my film but it doesn't dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorized, in my film its only a knife shown but not in a clear view.

Language: There is no use of language in the opening of my film all language is moderate no use of the strongest language example "C**T"

Nudity:Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context, however this is not included in my film.

Sex: Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail.There may be strong verbal references to sexual behavior,

Theme:No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year old, which mine is perfectly fine for 15year olds. 

Violence: Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction
of pain or injury. we include infliction of pain but  is cut out so people can't see so it's suitable.

What have i learnt?

I have learnt by doing this regulation research page what the bbfc stands for and what cant and can be included in a film. The bbfc helped me a lot in finding out what can be included in my thriller film and I've managed to give my film a certificate and read the guidelines to my certificate for my film.

The certification of my film is a 15 this is because our film is aged at teenagers and young adults and most of our content of the film fits into those guidelines.
These guidelines will not effect my film at all because we had planned to aim our film at our own age group and slightly older.
Reading the guidelines has helped me with my movie, by showing me the limits of what material I can and cannot show.I have learnt that if anything in the film conflicts with the guidelines then we can't use it. I have also learnt that it's difficult to classify a film.

Friday 1 November 2013

Target Audience

Target Audience 

We think our video would appeal to a young adults and teenager type audience (late teens to mid twenties). This is mainly down to the fact its a thriller and the content involved in the video.


Kimberley is a 15year old girl.
I think Kimberley would be a good target audience for my film because she is interested in films which include some tension, thrills and fighting.
Kimberley's interest are hanging around in groups with her friends, chilling watching films also messing around.
I think many people like Kimberley would enjoy my film, she has thrilling side to her. 
In her spare time she likes to go around with her friends joking around and has a crazy personality.
I've showed Kimberley my film plan and she is very interested in it.

Dominic Evans

Dominic is a 16year old boy.
I think Dominic would be another good target audience for my film because he is a typical teenage boy who says they like scary/thriller films.
Dominic likes to spend Sundays watching films and has watched many films.
I think many teenage boys Dominics age would like thriller films, such as "taken" because its a film filled with tension.
Dominic likes to hang around with his friends in his spare time which are also interested in being lazy watching films also they like to pretend to be like film stars copying their actions.

Audience Research

Audience Research

This is a reasearch audience questionaire, we have used this method to find out peoples opinions on thrillers. 

      These are our results.

 These results have told us what the people think is included in a thriller.

What have i learnt?

I have learnt from doing a audience research questionnaire what people of my own and other ages think should be included in a thriller film. I have also learnt what people think should be included in a thriller film for example people have voted of gangsters as the main thing which should be included in an action thriller film.

Textual Analysis

Reservoir Dogs Textual Analysis

The next piece of work that I am going to complete, is a textual analysis of the crime thriller film, reservoir dogs which will include screenshots.
I am going to watch the opening of the film a number of times so I get familiar with the openings so that i can analyse what happens in each shot, including camera shots, angle, movement and framing also characters, music and setting.

I am then going to screenshot all the shots i want to include and write notes about each one, these will be beside the screenshot, this is so it will be easier to understand what i am talking about.
This will help me understand how to plan the first two minutes of a film and construct it.
In the first two minutes of the film we are introduced clearly to each of the characters.

In order to analyse the opening of Reservoir dogs I will focus to the 8 main areas of discussion:
    • Narrative
    • Setting
    • Sound
    • Titles
    • Atmosphere
    • Genre
    • Character
    • Theme

Blank screen with "A film by 'Quentin Tarantino' 
Background speaker.
music playing in background under the speaker, sets the feeling for opening of film.
A shot of the back street alley
Two men in suits walking on to the scene
slow motion shots to make them look like the serious men
In the city

Characters are introduced throughout the opening scene
Group of men in suits
Slowly walking
Music still playing in the background but nobody speaking

Mid shot
introducing the characters
Name of character

There are eight males altogether however only six are wearing suits - this could indicate their more superior status within the film compared to the other two in everyday casual wear. This signifies that perhaps the six men in suits are part of the main gang and the other two males are 'helpers' within the piece. Their role in the film may be just as important, however within the plot line they may be seen as less important. 

Shot of all the characters in the group

What I have learnt?

In this piece of work I have learnt what's included in a crime thriller film which is the genre of my film, this is the first film i related my ideas to, I am planning to take some ideas from this film for my opening two minutes of a thriller.
I have learnt from this film many filming ideas for exapmle including close ups introducing the characters with a text including there names also a shot of the whole gang which is used at the end of the first two minutes and slow motion is used to show they are coming across to people they are more important.
I may use some of the techniques and filming i've seen in this film as part of my film.

synopsis of my film

Untitled from KayleighGill on Vimeo.

Jacob is a teenager, he is a well behaved boy and doesn’t like breaking rules, he enjoys doing work and loves school. He is getting bullied by this group of older people because he is a bit nerdy and uncool.

He is constantly being harassed by this group of people until one day he decides enough is enough. He has just finished his work in the English classroom and is on his way home. He hasn’t even left the school gates before the gang of people approach him and start pushing him around and intimidating him.

Some conversation is exchanged between Beth and Jacob and we as the audience can see that Jacob has had enough and that he is finally standing up to the bullies. Beth takes it a step too far with Jacob and Jacob pulls out a gun, another member of the gang Adam steps in and pushes Jacob.

Jacob reacts by pushing Adam to the ground and aims the gun at Adam’s face. The other two members of the gang run off and leave Adam on the floor as Jacob threatens to shoot him.

What i have learnt?
I have learnt from doing this synopsis that you need to know what happened in the whole film to see what you need to include in your first two minutes of a film.
I found this very useful because it helped me notice what we needed to include in the first two minutes of the film i'm doing.
This is a step by step guide on what my whole film would be about if i made a whole film.